
The Art of Feminine Business Podcast with Julie Foucht

Dr. Jeanne Retief and Julie Foucht dish on:

  • How shame is used to control women and keep them stuck
  • Why we associate our work and success as our identity
  • The core ingredient when you decide to switch careers
  • How balance is the big myth and it is okay to do this life imperfectly
  • Being open and vulnerable in relationships only makes them stronger

Beauty of Colors with Cleanne Johnson

Dr. Jeanne Retief has created an amazing beauty product. Listen as she talks about the forces that drove her into making a life change and how Figgi was birthed.

I have used some of her beauty products and it’s fantastic and works for all skin types.


Wings of Inspired Business Podcast with Melinda Wittstock

If you’re an entrepreneur, you know the truth. Starting and growing your own business is like strapping yourself to a never-ending roller coaster.

Saying entrepreneurship is stressful is often an understatement, especially for a surprisingly high proportion of entrepreneurs who have experienced trauma in their lives.  Yet entrepreneurship also offers a path to healing those traumas – and inspires many to create businesses that solve for others the challenges they themselves have faced.

Jeanne Retief built a human rights consultancy, working primarily with women who were experiencing significant adversity and stress. So was Jeanne, who developed a panic disorder, which she says she handled poorly by trying to ignore it and put on a brave face. Before long, her panic disorder also resulted in very dry and sensitive skin.

On a mission to help women find self-acceptance and prioritize their own self-care, Jeanne decided to draw on her certificate in cosmetic chemistry and launch a skin care brand Figgi Beauty and a growing community called Figgi Life.


The Face Yoga Expert Podcast with Danielle Collins

My guest this week is Dr Jeanne Retief, founder of FIGGI skincare. In this honest and informative episode we delve into what ingredients and lifestyle hacks can help you nourish, soothe and hydrate your dry or sensitive skin.


Balance Your Life Podcast with Meghan Pherrill

This week on the podcast I am joined by Dr. Jeanne Retief. When Jeanne turned 35, she experienced great change, contemplation, confusion, frustration, and joy. She invested so much of her energy in becoming an expert in her field, but realized that the career she had built with a single-minded focus no longer fulfilled or inspired her. Facing a health and soul crisis she decided to make a big change. She integrated her human rights background into FIGGI Skincare which allowed her to seek serenity and still experience the adrenaline rush of creating something new.

On this episode we talk about how a diagnosis led to her starting her own skincare brand, how clear skin comes from within, and why you should be mindful of the foods you consume. We also discuss skincare for dry and sensitive skin, how to get your skin to bounce back after a flare up, minimalist skincare tips and steps, and so much more!


Stand Speak Shine Podcast with Cherie Burton

Anxiety…who doesn’t deal with it from time to time? Anxiety can actually lead to a more mindful life – even becoming a superpower for sensitive people. How do we unlock the hidden potential of anxiety? How can it actually fuel personal growth? These are things that Dr. Jeanne Retief and I discuss as we explore the “seek for serenity.”

Jeanne has a long family history of mental illness and had a difficult home life growing up. She was always an anxious child, but panic disorder manifested in 2015 when she was traveling for work and had an attack that landed her in the emergency room. Despite her background in human rights consulting, Jeanne decided to take a break to focus on her own healing journey. She hopes that by sharing her story, she can help normalize mental health struggles and offer a platform for others to find catharsis and support.
